DNA/RNA staining reagent
Safe DNA/RNA staining reagent HDGreen Plus
Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is a DNA/ RNA intercalator and is classified as mutagenic. We offer a safe alternative: HDGreen Plus is a non-mutagenic fluorescent dye for the detection of nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) in agarose gels.
DNA bands stained with HDGreen Plus fluoresce when excited under UV and blue LED light. HDGreen Plus impresses with its high performance and can therefore be used sparingly. Depending on the dilution, 1ml HDGreen Plus can be used for up to 25 liters of agarose.
Transilluminators for the homogeneous excitation of DNA/ RNA dyes
We offer two different transilluminators for the homogeneous excitation of HDGreen Plus.
We recommend the blue/green transilluminator for this purpose, as the wavelengths of the LEDs used are lower in energy and therefore ensure safe working conditions for the user. It also puts less strain on your samples, so you can cut out your bands without time pressure.
However, HDGreen Plus can also be stimulated with UV radiation. We also offer a suitable UV transilluminator with a large filter area of 21 x 26 cm for this purpose (other sizes on request).
Questions and answers
The excitation maxima of HDGreen Plus are at 280 nm and 490 nm.
HDGreen Plus emits at 530 nm.
This depends on the dilution used. Normally, you can stain 20 liters of agarose with 1 ml of HDGreen Plus.
You should store HDGreen Plus away from light at 4°C.
To excite HDGreen Plus, you need a blue/green or UV transilluminator. For more information on our transilluminators, please click here.